Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Re-Post: Ovie Chasing Gretzky
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
My Top 70 Favorite International Cities. Pt. 2: #35 - #1
There's a few cities on this list I like for hard to describe reasons - be it Turin, or Krakow. Add Palermo to that list. The sites can basically be visited in barely more than a day, but the atmosphere and culture of Palermo can last a good week. The old town is one of the nicer ones I've gotten lost in, with so many bars and restaurants that spill out into the streets. As you approach the water, you get fancier, more upscale restuarants that could fit in Rome, Milan or any fancier city - but at small town prices. Palermo is also relatively untouched by tourism, the last vestige of true Italia.
29.) Vienna (2000 & 2009)
The 2nd time I went to Vienna was on my high school’s Orchestra’s tour of Austria during my Senior year, and much of my high ranking for Vienna is based on that trip. There is a ton of history in Vienna, with the music scene being located there (Mozart and Beethoven’s houses), with the adjoining arts scene with a bevy of theatres. If you like classical music, then Vienna is heaven. I am including the adorable little town of …… where we performed, which was half an hour outside Vienna. The best part of Vienna is how modern it is. The city center has some of the largest streets and public squares of anywhere in Europe, with grand architecture all around. The food isn’t great, but it is no worse than Germany and Switzerland, and Austria is generally less expensive. It took a second trip to get acclimated with Vienna’s charms, but they are there, and plentiful.
Full disclosure, I'm cheating by including Machu Picchu as one of the associated sites of Cusco, which is a large part of the reason it places so high. Machu Picchu is a spectacular tourist attraction, from teh never-ending views of Hauranya Picchu's face, to the cascaiding hills on every side, to the great hikes. When you peel back to Cusco proper, it remains a great secondary city, a South American, high altitude version of Krakow (next on the list). The food is great, with so many small, but fine quality, restaurants. It has a vibrant restaurant and bar scene, and quite a bit of tourism locally, including other Incan ruins near the city limits. Finally, the altitude, as Cusco us probably the highest city that is easily and heavily visited. Plus, I owe a lot to the Loki Hostel, a wondrous place of Blood Bombs and fun.
I should have figured that Taipei would be a really great city. Still, however, I was surprised by how well built, how green, how beautiful it was. The food was great, from beef noodle shops to fancy high-end restaurants. The bar scene was excellent, with a burgeouning craft beer culture was shocking. The tourism was great, with nice pagodas and temples tucked away all across the beautiful green city. If only the cuisine was slightly better Taipei would have ended up much higher. There's also a lot of hills and forests and greenery within an hour of the city in every direction. Taipei has so much going for it.
25.) Berlin (2014)
Berlin is the only German city I've gone to as an adult, and from what I read it was a good one to pick. The city is sprawling, and has covered it's whole 'we had a giant wall' thing with some really modern buildings and a few nice memorials. But what it also hides is an incredible city. The main squares, or platzes are all incredible, including that entire stretch between the Brandenburg Gate, through the Tiergarten, and ending with the Berlin Island. There are various areas of the city with incredible churches, restaurants, bars (and bars, and bars) and historical buildings. The city houses some fascinating museums that touch on the long, varying history of Germany is a country. Berlin as a city is too big to do in 3 days like I did, but it is definitely alluring enough to go back.
24.) London (1999, 2000, 2010, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022)
I probably should just go to London more, because both my Dad and my Sister, who lived there, swear by London as an incredible city. But again, I’m not ranking this by how livable they are, but how good they are as tourist destinations. London definitely has enough to see, including the nicely compact Royal stuff (palace, parliament, other stuff), and a neatly packed city center (West End, Trafalgar Square, other stuff I’m forgetting), but it is a little too big. It’s subway system is clean, but doesn’t have the expansiveness that it needs (something I give huge credit to the NYC Subway System for, no matter how dirty it is). Of course, it is damn expensive, and the weather is mostly lousy. It may get better with more trips, but I think London is too big for its own good, and a little too confused, as it tries to be both Rome and New York. **So I went here in 2017-2019 and 2022, and really have nothing more to add. I think what I wrote back then is more or less accurate. In the end, being in any English speaking city outside of the US just doesn't seem as foreign & exciting. And I really can't get over how bad the street layout is in this city. Makes me really appreciate New York being a grid.
I'll admit, I have very limited memory of Granada - like I do with most of my trip to Spain and Portugal in 2001. But from what I do remember of Granada, mainly around the magic that is the Alhambra. Granada also has great food (as does most of Andalusia), including amazing seafood and lamb. Spain itself is probably my favorite country to visit, and a large part of that is even outside is major metropoloses (which are good enough to both be in Top-10 for me) it has incredible gems with incredible history and culture. **After visiting in 2021, I'm justified in my original love of Granada. The Alhambra was as good the second time around, but the food even better. The great old town was just lovely to wander about, pick up tapas at their various tapas bars hidden down alleys with great seating spilling into the streets. That is Spain, so were teh wine bars, and even beer bars, in this beautiful little town.
As a tourist, I don't care what the work and life culture are of the people in the city, and good thing, because if I did I may hate Tokyo. To see people in full suit in the subway at 11 PM coming home from work is jarring. But this isn't about any of that, it is about Tokyo the city, and it is a really fabulous metropolis. Tokyo is sprawling, in a way that makes New York seem small. There are really bustling regions like Shinjuku, really fun late night spots like Roppongi. There is a ton to see, and great food options. The food may be more corporate than traditional and homestyle in Tokyo, but that isn't all bad. The biggest complaint with Tokyo is just the size. It is so big that it is tiring to navigate at times, getting from one end to the other. Even with the reliability and the local JR Train lines, it takes time to get around. **2023 Update: Going back didn't change my opinion of Tokyo too much, just crystallized what it does so well, from its art museums, its nightlife scene, and of course the food (if you're willing to pony up). Separately, the things keeping it from being higher up, such as the truly just endless urban maw of it all, and the sheer size, are still as true in 2023.**
I put 2014 there, but I went to Mexico City two different times, staying in two different areas of that expansive, massive, festive city. Far safer than most areas of Mexico, La Cuidad is incredibly impressive. There are tons of historical sites, like the entire Zocalo, the Chapultepec, and La Reforma. Mexico City also has a wealth of food options, with incredibly authentic Mexican fare from around the country, including the incredible Oaxacan food. Really fun night spot as well. Mexico City blew me away also with its strange, mysterious beer culture. The City is a sprawling testament to how secretly, behind the dangerous cartels that line the exterior, the soft interior of Mexico is a gorgeous, cultural attraction that is bettered by so few cities. **After going again in 2018, I realize how much I missed out of Mexico City's overwhelming culture. The neighborhoods of Polanco and Condesa may some of the most cultured and serene in North America. The food scene is incredible, be it world class Pujol or the street taco vendors. Just an amazing city.
17.) Dubrovnik (2017)
My expectations were raised on Dubrovnik from a number of friends and families had already visited, and oh man was it great - matching everything I would have hoped for. Dubrovnik, like many cities that line my top half of the list, aren't huge sprawling metropolises, instead smaller, untouched little power-packs of culture and beauty. The actual structure of the town reminds me of a European Cape Town, with the old town and fort replacing the V&A Waterfront area, and the hills of the newer part of the city similar to East Cape Town, and the hills in hte background, fixed with their own version of Table Mountain, being, well, Cape Town's Table Mountain. The history in Dubrovnik is amazing, with the old town such a beautiful array of nooks and crannies, with steep stairs on alleys down to the water. Within it contains history, and amazing restaurants, and, of course, Game of Thrones. Dubrovnik is one of the gems of the Adriatic Sea, right there with the other great ports of the Mediterranean.
Singapore is one of those places that has to be seen to be believed. There is no city any cleaner. There is no city as tightly situated while having enough external attractions. There is no city better built for a short stay. What doesn’t Singapore have? It has a theme park for kids. A bird park (highly recommended) and a night safari for kids and adults. It has a brand new casino for adults. It has a centralized bar/pub/club area near the waterfront. It has a preponderance of food from really, really cheap to really expensive. It has livable weather year-round. It also has the most interesting and enjoyable airport I’ve ever been to (there is a pool and gym that everyone can use for free in it!), and the cleanest, best organized subway system I’ve seen. So why is Singapore only #3? Because there isn’t that much to do, and Singapore’s not cheap enough to just sit around and eat/drink/do nothing. The sights have no historical resonance, and are replicated in other cities. Still, for a period less than a week, there is no better city to visit. **Part of the reason I call this a living document is that I'm not going to correct where I reference Singapore at #3 which it was the first time I did this. Anyway, on subsequent trips, the sterility of the place is what drops it slightly in my mind. Still a whole lot of positives, and a "must visit" at some point, but it just doesn't have the culture some of its Asian brethren do.
By rule I like smaller cities over sprawling ones. Well, while there are expanses to Krakow that extend in all directions, almost everything worth seeing in the city is in a 10x10 block radius circling the best city square (Rynek Glowny) I have seen in Europe. When you get a city that has (their claim) more bars per capita than any in the world, combine that with amazing open space and roadside/streetside restaurants, and an economy that does not use the Euro and is far cheaper than comparale cities in Western Europe, you get a pretty fantastic city. Also, you want history near its borders, you get Auschwitz about 2 hours away. Krakow is an incredible secondary city, arguably the best secondary city I've ever been to. The beer, food and endless beautiful women makes it Top-25; the sites, easily walkable goegraphy, and amazing history (Copernicus lived there too) makes it Top-15.
Take the weather and leisurely attitude of Australia, combine the waterfront facade of a Chicago, add some pub and club nightlife of any city in Europe and you get Sydney, a city that combines the great aspects of every major city I have been too. It doesn't have a true culture of its own which hurts it in my mind. What I really mean by that is, much like the problems I have with England, there are too many similarities to the US. You don't really feel you are in a foreign city too much. Of course, that all changes when you walk towards the Opera House, or go to the night spots with the Australians out partying, or eat great meats. Sydney is a wonderful city, probably the most livable of any in the Top-10 (of course, it is helped by being English-Speaking), but sometimes I would sacrifice livability for uniqueness, which is why it isn't any higher.
13.) Lima (2016, 2022)
Lima has a few things going for it. First, its culinary brilliance, with two restaurants ranking in the Top 10 in the World per San Pelligrino's list (the most accepted of that type of list), one being Maido, a Japanese-Peruvian sensation. The sites aren't the best, few major cities are in retrospect, with a few museums and halls. The real sites of Lima are the whisping cliffs, the shops and the eclectic nightlife. The best South American cities combine Andean views with European charms, and few big ones do it better than Lima. Big jump here afer my trip in 2022. The food remains incredible, adding Central to Maido on my list of culinary adventures. But also getting more time in Lima this time around, and doing a bit more research to understand neighborhoods like Barranco and others a bit better, I learned to love a lot of it. The greenery is incredible, the museums are nice. The walk along the Malecon is one of the cooler feelings out there. Everything about Lima is great. **2023 update - it moved up again. I explored more neighborhoods this time, like San Isidro and even now further away from Covid, even the historic center is a bit more vibrant. For what is also a great entry point to a brilliant country outside it, and a place with near perfect weather, Lima is stellar**
The great food, the wide open streets and lanes, the great balloons, the sights. Ho Chi Minh City was truly a perfect Southeast Asian retreat. The place is so full of joy and pride in their city, be it the pristinely conditioned temples, the French architecture. There are great museums and sights all over. What set Ho Chi Minh City apart for me was you get the food of a Bangkok, with the infrastructure and lack of traffic of a Europe - the city so well blending their French history and Asian sensibilities. The nightlife and food was truly incredible. If not for the weather (unavoidable in that part of the world) it probably would be Top-10 for me. **After going back in 2022, Ho Chi Minh City equaled every bit of nostalgia-fueled love and memory from the first time, arguably getting better. Each year that goes by thrusts HCMC into more and more of a first world type city, with amazing food, amazing drinks, and the best (to me) club in the world in The Observatory. There is just a joy, such an energy here. **2024 Update: Still maintains its spot, and yes every time I visit HCMC it seems a bit brighter, a bit more upscale. If anything, I hope it retains its wonderful charm in another 10 years or so as it continues its ascent**
9.) Rome (2003, 2019)
8.) Athens (2010)
So Athens is very much like its historical partner, Rome, with a few less sites, a lot less crowds, less expensive, and with better weather. So does that whole equation spit out a better city? In my mind, it does. Part of this has to do with visiting Athens at the perfect time (19, during March) and Rome not (13, during December), but Athens has it all. It has a lot to see, but not so much that sightseeing takes over the trip. It has a city that is hard to navigate by car and by walking, but has an adequate subway system. It has excellent food, and a great environment that bursts with fun and enjoyment. Just a grand old time in Athens, as I’m sure it was 2,500 years ago.
7.) Barcelona (2007, 2021)
Midway through my second day in Santiago, I started debating how high it would go. Honestly, on the initial drive to the airport, through beautiful underground tunnels and well manicured streets, it earned its place on the list. Many great meals, multiple vibrant and differing neighborhoods, enough sites to last you days, and a cleanliness of Europe and culture of the Americas, and Santiago morphed into a truly special city. You have views, like at the top of Santa Lucia Hill. You have museums. You have regal government buildings. The restaurants are amazing, going from good street food to world class tasting menus. The competing Barrio Italia, with its Portland-esque vibe, and Barrio Bellavista, with fun bar after fun bar, add the neighborhood vibe as well. It all mixed to a truly brilliant city. ***2024 Update. So, Santiago is basically as perfect a locale as I remembered, spending more time there this time and getting to see some of the best parts. The museums and cultural aspects remained great, but now let's add on top of it everything about its modernity. You really don't feel you are in South America, with its wide roads, greenery, hills and life. The restaurants like Borago are timeless. Wandering the streets of Barrio Bellavista at night is a never-ending joy. Ride that funicular and cable-car and you see a city jsut bursting with life, energy and fun.***
Religion's most important city remains the best new city I've been to since I last wrote this piece. I'm floored by how much I enjoyed every aspect of Jerusalem. The obvious important religious sites were incredible, but the food spots in the city, the areas in the old town that are disconnected to religion, the great beer bar tucked inside the great Mahane Yehuda market. All of it was excellent. If I spend more time in Tel Aviv, maybe I add that to the list to, but for Jerusalem, it was a perfect mix of history and culture. Truly, the religious sites are so enormous in their gravity it is hard to not be astounded, even for someone who is practicing but not necessarily devout. The energy in the city is just tremendous - helps we went around Christmas of course. It was a perfect mix of circumstances, but it was just incredible from start to finish, a perfect mix of first world luxuries and historical beauty.
Kyoto is the 3rd biggest City in Japan, but resembles so little of Tokyo (the biggest city) that makes it seem like a different country. Sure, the food options and the bustle is still there, but Kyoto, in some ways, is like a supersized Siem Reap. The real highlight of Kyoto is the ridiculous amounts of Temples and historical Japanese buildings. All of these are encircling the downtown area of Kyoto. Of course, that downtown is quite large, with beautiful malls, tall buildings with summer beer gardens (umlimited beer buffets for $30) and plentiful up-scale food options. Kyoto even has the most expansive Geisha area of Japan. Kyoto is the perfect city to experience what people's idea of Japan is, temples and pagodas and sushi, oh my! **2023 Update: Everything I wrote about is true in 2023, but the stuff I didn't get overly into - mostly because I didn't focus on that as much - from the high end restaurants, to the bar & nightlife scene, upped its game. The fact the main parts of the city, be it the shopping districts, the nightlife drag, and where the sights lie, are all within sort of walking distance, ups the game for Kyoto. Also, there is a chance I was, if anything, underrating the sights. There was truly ne negative to Kyoto, other than maybe the heat but that's more on me picking this specific time of year than anything else.**
2.) Madrid (2001, 2010, 2018, 2021, 2022)
I’ll never forget Madrid. It was where I turned 10 years old, in April of 2001. It was where I saw my first naked woman in real life, as I saw two nude woman near the pool in Madrid (given my age and their age, this wasn’t a good thing). It was where I first traveled alone, and where I learned the inherent joy of visiting a place a 2nd time. Barcelona might be more ‘fun’, but I can’t think of a place that combines everything I want from a city more than Madrid. Madrid has a dependable airport, and a dependable subway system. More than that, the city is small enough in its center that you can easily walk from the Prado side on the East, to the Palace on the West and not break a sweat. It has some of Spain’s best museums. There is more than enough to see. And, of course, you are still very much in Spain. It isn’t as relaxed as Barcelona, but is just as Spanish, with open squares, easy food and drink, a lot of youngsters (and a lively area for them at night). This wasn’t a criteria, but a lot of people speak English there to boot. Madrid is basically a perfect city. Small enough to walk, with enough sites to not get bored, enough food to not go hungry, and a relaxed, but not too relaxed nature that you won’t ever get tired of doing nothing for an afternoon or two.
I've been wondering whether doing Cape Town first helped increase my perceptions of it. I was at my most curious and excited at the start of the trip. Then, I remember everything amazing about Cape Town, like the incredible scenery and breathtaking views, the active harbor and Long Street areas (for the youngsters among us), the great food of every type and the wine region to one side with the Cape of Good Hope below it. Cape Town is a special place on the total other side of the word (laterally speaking). I've really never been any place quite like it, which is why I want to go back there more than any place in the world. **I've oddly never updated my write-up of Cape Town since the first time I did this list. Mainly because I from the start had it ranked #2. But after going back (and back, and back...), I think it is time I just move it to #1. The restaurants, bars, clubs, and unending hikes and views just give it such a perfect balance in terms of what I would want out of a city to visit.
My Top 70 Favorite International Cities, Pt. 1: #70 - #36
Again, these are ranked as cities I would visit (all of them I have visited), not where I would live. I would live in Geneva, but probably not visit again because there isn’t much to do, it is cold, and some other reasons. There are places that I wish I could rank because from what I’ve heard from family/friends that have been there they seem really good, like Moscow, Berlin and Hamburg, and when I visit them, I will update this list. Also irrelevant is the ease of getting to this city. Singapore isn’t hurt because it is the farthest commonly visited location from NYC than any other place, and London isn’t helped because it is 6 hours away.
A city includes sites and destinations that are a reasonable distance away, so Barcelona won’t get credit for the Playas that are 2-3 hours away (and are closer to Valencia), and Athens won’t get credit for Ephesus which is 3 hours away, but London would get credit for Stratford (or whatever it’s called where Shakespeare is from, or Oxford – and Rome gets credit for the Vatican, which for being a different country, is totally part of Rome) which is reasonably close.
70.) Tiberias (2018)
The city bay the sea of Galilee, the city surrounding the areas of various events of Jesus's life. The city itself is small, but thriving with some nice restaurants with great local, fresh fish nad of course kebabs. They even had some nice bars in teh city as well. But the sites are great, from the mystical/religious (say where Jesus walked on water, etc.), and just plain beautiful, like the Church of the Transfiguration on the hill. Tiberias is a bit of a pilgrimige, but a worthy one.
69.) Kuala Lumpur (2013)
Our first day in Kuala Lumpur, I hated it. We didn't really plan much to do and aimlessly went around. The second day, where we had a plan, it became a lot better. There are a few standout sites, like the Menara KL, the Petronas Towers, the Bird Park. The food was excellent, from down home Malaysian cooking, to fancier places. The shopping is quite nice. There are myriad cooler cities in Southeast Asia, but when you give KL a chance, it really starts to shine.
68.) Warsaw (2014)
Warsaw may have gone higher had I spent more time there, but like many other European countries, the capital is often a bit too commercial, a bit too gray, than the smaller pearls of cities (like Krakow, for Poland). Warsaw has some great sites, like its main street and clock tower, the palace, and I'm sure a whole host of others I forgot about or didn't have time to visit, but it is a bit lost in a city a bit too big for its own good. The food is decent, but what I really want to commend is its bar scene. There were some great gastropubs and beer bars that littered across the Warszawa Central district.
67.) Da Lat (2013)
The little hamlet high above the Vietnamese hills, Da Lat was probably the most pleasant surprise of any place on my RTW trip. The city itself is modeled after European cities, with parks, downtown circles and even a model Eiffel Tower. The surrounding areas houses more traditional Vietnamese fair, like temples, Buddhas, waterfalls and even roller coasters, all underneath a cool mountain air. Da Lat's hills hide many nice restaurants, bars and clubs. It isn't nearly as loud or as famous as Ho Chi Minh, Nha Trang or Hanoi, but Da Lat may be the most pure mix of Asia and Europe that I have seen. Also, it has an incredibly nice airport given the just six flights that fly there each day.
66.) Nikko
Japan's answer to the one/two-road, tourist heavy town that will appear further up from other countries, Nikko was a great little break from teh urban bustle of Tokyo. Truly a one-road town, with most of the shops, restaurants, bars all being on the main drag, but in that area contained some good sushi spots and of course a craft beer bar. Further afield came a bunch of great sights, including a "Temple Circuit" of four good temples, one of which was one of the more impressive ones I saw during my time in Japan in the Toyusho Temple. Nikko also had Lake Chuzenji and the nearby Kogen Waterfall within an hour of its base, along with other hiking areas even further afield.
65.) Victoria Falls (2023)
I don't know how I forgot to include Victoria Falls the last two or three times I did this exercise. Granted, it's because it is barely a city - an outpost that exists to service the tourism of the falls that bears its name. But in that little town was some quite nice spots, from nice restaurants, a few interesting bars, some nice tourism shopping, and of course those massive, massive falls. Also a nice entry point into Chobe Safari in Botswana. At the end of the day, it ranks below more two-road towns built on a single tourist attraction because it is the smallest of those towns, somehow. Still quite nice thought.
64.) Johannesburg (2016, 2018)
I've flown into and out of Johannesburg three different times, but spent a total of one night and about two days in the city, seeing a few of the main sites, but in reality not enough to get a real true sense of the city. What Joburg does have are some nice sites like the Apartheid Museum, a few gentrified neighborhoods, some classy foods and areas, the nice lion safari on its outskirts. The negatives are its sheer size (it takes forever to get from place to place), and the danger. Now, that danger part is being unfair - Cape Town has a higher murder rate, though most of that is localized into slums - but when you drive through posh districts and suburbs and every street has barbed wire it gives a less than stellar impression.
63.) Belgrade (2017)
In 20 years, Belgrade may deserve a spot well up this list, but for now for a city on the rise it gets on. For advantages, Belgrade is cheap, it houses some nice history, really good restaurants, and a great bar and club scene. For negatives, none of these things are marketed well enough. Belgrade should continue to grow, and as it does it will replace dirty streets with cleaner ones, complete the renovation on its main church, and just overall work on the edges. Then again, I kind of like a city that can still have cool ass floating clubs with affordable bottle service.
62.) Jeonju (2022)
Jeonju was not even supposed to be on my Korea trip itinerary, a secondary choice after my primary place of Busan was taken away from me due to a typhoon. Busan maybe would have ranked higher (same with Jeju, also axed for the same reason). But anyway, I went, and found a lot to like. The Hanok Village, showcasing a modern take of traditional Korean architecture and livign was lovely. The bibimbap, made famous in Jeonju itself, was a great addition itself. The sites aren't world beating, but nice enough, from the Gyeongijjeon, to the Wibongsa temple in the outlying mountains, to fill a couple days easily. Jeonju is known as the "traditional" tourist home of Korea, and that traditionality is fully earned, warranted, and lovely.
61.) Amritsar (2024)
If only I didn't rate food as a super important part of my view on a city, Amritsar would be quite a bit higher up. Amritsar had some great sights, especially the Golden Temple. That whole complex is one of the most serene, beautiful, sights I've been to in India, and realistically in a lot of places. Their Partition Musuem and Museum around the Waila Bagh massacre are both super well curated, informative and tranquil. Overall Amritsar has some great facets, but what it doesn't have, at least for a carnivore is great food. They have a small few blocks of late night scene, but even that I've seen better in India. Take this as a sight heavy place in Northern India - if you go, defintiely take in the Waga Border.
60.) Penang (2013)
There are positives and negatives to Penang, and depending how important the positives are relative to the negatives to you, Penang could rise or fall on your rankings. Personally, food and culture are really important to me, and Penang has both in spades. It may be a little overrated with food, but the seafood night markets that litter both Georgetown (the main city) and the beaches (all within an hour or so from Georgetown) are wonderful. The Nyonya food in Penang is far better than that in Kuala Lumpur. There is enough to see, including a nice little trek in Georgetown to some interesting historical buildings (the Cheong Fat Tze is a nice highlight). Of course, Penang is also very crowded, slightly dirty and the beaches themselves are quite barren. In the end, I find this fair for what I still consider a great eating spot.
59.) Positano (2019)
Positano may have ranked differently if we went a week later - after the start of their 'busy season'. Maybe it would have ended up higher because that's how most people see Positano, or maybe lower because the crowds and prices would have been unbearable. Anyway, Positano might be one of the prettiest towns I've ever visted, with incredible views from all directions, whether up top looking down and across, or down at sea level looking up to waves and waves of houses. Positano also had a slew of nice restaurants, shops and tourism fare, be it hikes or boating. Positano is also well connected to a bunch of other Amalfi Coast towns, be it Amalfi or Sorrento or otherwise. Nice town, but a bit too overpriced and popular (in the busy season, at least).
58.) Parma (2015)
Italy is the one country where I would love to just visit a lot of their secondary cities. Parma was a fantastic little slice of Italia. The food was excellent, and the eponymous cheese was even better. The balsamic was the cherry on top. Yes, Parma is almost fully a food tourism place. It also was a beautiful little town, replete with nice lanes serving drinks and good times late until the night. I wish I got more time in Parma to experience the life in the city.
57.) Gyeongju (2024)
I like that I have Gyeongju fairly close to Jeonju on these rankings - and I think it is good to view them similarly. Both are famous for their Hanok Village type old towns - blocks on blocks of old school architecture, coffee shops, restaurants. Both ahve temples, but Gyeongju's are just that much prettier and serene - more mountains, less plains. The food in Gyeongju doesn't ahve anything as notable as Bibimbap for Jeonju, but the nightlife is better, with some amazing cocktail spots like Bar Prep, that are as inventive and exacting as what you will fine in Seoul. Overall, Gyeongju is a graet little visit if you're visiting the Southern part of Korea.
56.) Cairo (2018)
My ranking of Cairo definitely includes Giza (about 30-60 min away, depending on traffic), and Saqqara, and adding to those two pyramid and druin complexes, if you add in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo has some truly top notch sites. Of course, my view of cities go beyond sites, and that is where Cairo starts to struggle, be it the lack of truly great food, the restrictive nightlife that puts most fun places out of the reach of solo travelers (the old 'couples only' rule). These things are important to me, particularly the food aspect, and Cairo doesn't stack up. It does with key sites though, and when you add in some nice neighborhoods, there is a chance I am being unfair here.
55.) Jaipur (2013)
I hated traveling in India in my limited tourist experience in India prior to Rajasthan. First was Agra, where the Taj was nice but completely offset by the filth of Agra. Kerala was a mess. Given those two, was not too excited to be going to Rajasthan, but I have to say it was great. Jaipur is slightly too touristy, with most of the city, at least as far as I could tell, built off Forts, Palaces, strange Astronomical objects, and of course shopping. For pure tourism, it is probably the best city in India, even if it gets a bit too hot at times.
54.) Hanoi (2019)
If we average out the mess present at times in its clustered old town and the beauty of its large West Lake area, you get a truly great city. Hanoi is a bit more staid than its Vietnamese colleague in the South (further up the list), but it still has its charm. The lakes throughout city create a more atmosphere and some truly stunning temples and pagodas. The food, as it surely is thrughout Vietnam, is excellent. The beer flows well. There's nothing wrong with teh city, but there's no one feature that sets it apart.
53.) Foz do Iguacu (2025)
The 12-spot gap between the town buttressing Iguazu Falls and the town around Victoria Falls can be explained in two ways. First, I do think simply as a tourist attraction, Iguazu Falls is better, but also this is more of a city. Foz do Iguacu has proper buildings, some great restaurants, a vibrant nightlife scene. If anything, the Argentina version (Puerto Iguazu) is more similar to Victoria Falls the town than Foz. You can also easily access the Argentina side, and even trek into Paraguay (though I didn't), and still make it back to enjoy a dinner at Emporio con Arte. And of course, the falls themselves are amazing and worth visiting even if the town wasn't this nice.
52.) Siem Reap (2013)
Siem Reap is a one-stop town, in that the only real thing to see there is Angkor Wat, but do you know what (excuse the pun), that is enough to get it a spot on the list. Looking back at my time there, even the town itself of Siem Reap is quite nice - good restaurants, nice bars, enough to do when not lollygagging around the Angkor Wat complex. Anyway, that's not to say that it would be ranked had Angkor Wat been there. Angkor Wat is one of the better two day tourism sites I've ever been to, a parade of amazing history. It's an added bonus that they've developed the town enough to make the nights fun as well.
51.) Punta Arenas (2017)
It's odd that none of the Patagonia cities are that close to the sites that surround those areas, so they were hard to judge. Punta Arenas is probably the most substantial town of the three we visited, with an actual down-town, with nice ornate buildings and squares, The best part of the city is an unexplainable sense of being so far away from home, from anywhere, with Punta Arenas being the Southernmost city of more than 50,000 people. There are of course some nice restaurants and bars, and a good mix of locals and tourists, which created a nice atmosphere as well. Of course, with the Tierra del Fuego and Isla Magdalena Penguins within driving distance, the tourism isn't too bad either.
Picking Turin allows me to count the Piedmont wine country, and those little towns that dot it. Turin the city though, is a understated version of how incredible Italy is. It has the requisite churches and squares, but also has the open palacial squares and river-fronts that you normally associate with other countries in Europe. It has some incredible little hamlets of food, with great options for eating throughout the day (some excellent tea joints). My favorite place in Turin actually wasn't one of the two main squares, but Piazza Vittorio Veneto, one that borders the river with an amazing view of the city behind it. It was the last place we went to in Turin, an incredible capper to an unexpected amazing day in a great city.
48.) Udaipur (2013)
As somehow who hated traveling in India, picking a city that is in one of the hottest areas in the country, and a city I visited during their hot dry season, this high might seem surprising. Well, I can't recommend Udaipur, along with Rajasthan as a hole, enough. The city has some beautiful scenery being built on a far more hilly area of the country than you would expect. They have famous lakes that hold famous hotels built on famous castles. They have nice food and street shows that line the corridors of the inner city. THere's the strange love for the movie Octopussy, where screenings are shown nightly. There's a beautiful palace inside the city. And I'll stretch my 'sites withing 1.5 hours count' rule by saying that the Jain Temple at Ranakpur was incredible - and in any modern country it would be within 1.5 hours.
47.) Split (2017)
There is so much to like about Split, be it the sprawling old town with enough sites and small alleys lined with shops and restaurant to keep you busy way too long, or the modern clubs and restaurants, or the sites from its hills. I guess in theory I can include the island of Hvar as well as that is within a 1-hour boat ride away, which adds beautiful beaches and mountains to this as well. Split as a whole might be a little too commercialized - they had a lot of stalls selling the normal tourist fares that aren't always appreciated, but the city truly is a beautiful slice of culture deep in Croatia. I do love how varied the drink and food scene is there as well.
46.) El Calafate (2017)
I have a few inexplicable choices on this list, and El Calafate, a more or less one-road town, might be at the top of those odd choices. I mean, literally 95% of the restaurants and shops are either on, or right off of, the main road. Of course, those restaurants and shops are fantastic, a great number of restaurants with fine Argentinean fare (Parilla's, and more earthern restraurants). Of course, the bars are great as well, from chic library-style cocktails, to an American craft beer oasis. However, none of that would place it on this list, but the irreplaceable Perito Moreno does. One of the greatest tourist joys of my life was walking around and then on that amazing, stunning glacier. A perfect mix of blues and whites, cascading chalks of ice, and the hoth-like conditions when traversing its face. All of it special.
45.) Aswan (2018)
Sadly, I can't list 'The Nile Cruise' as a city, because combining Luxor, Esna, Edfu and Aswan would probably deserve quite a higher spot. However, only the last of those (Edfu) is probably within the 90 minute range. Aswan is a nice city, with open streets, nice restaurants and hotels off of the Nile, architectural marvels both new (the Aswan Dam) and old (Phillae temple complex and Elephantine Island). When you add in the sites within its radius, it starts to glow as Egypt's less cluttered jewel.
44.) Takayama (2023)
I don't know how I forgot about Izmir the umpteen times that I have done this. I loved my trip to Turkey and for a while only had Istanbul on the list. I finally remembered how much I loved Izmir when I went back and saw an album. It was a pristine coastal town, with unbelievably fresh seafood, a lot of interesting Capadoccian sites nearby, and just a cool air about it. The food and the fun alone put it well up in my mind - and also makes it a place I absolutely want to return to. **2024 Update: Izmir moves up slightly, mainly from me now considering Ephesus as within the 90-min rule of sights. As I noted, Izmir is a wonderful place to live, roam around, imbibe life, with its great food, great, compact nightlife and energy and beautiful views. Not much to do within city walls, but be it Ephesus or Pamukkale, you get things in the 60-min range. Wonderful secondary place within Turkey**
Melbourne could be a Top-20 city to spend four or five days in. There is not too much to do, but enough to keep you occupied. If you like sports, which I do, then it is even better. Melbourne tries to lay claim to the Sporting Capital of the World, and when you mix together one of Tennis' four main tournaments with the 2nd most famous Cricket Ground (and most famous Aussie Rules ground) in the world right next door, it is hard to argue. Melbourne's riverfront is a beautiful area, with amazing views of the city around it. It's food options are endless, with really good Asian cuisine throughout the city. The nightlife seemed nice enough. It also has some really beautiful scenery around an hour of its boundaries, with beautiful parks, wine regions and the Great Ocean Road. Add into that Philipp Island, which just hits the cutoff to be included with Melbourne, and you get a solid, Top-40 city.
40.) Panama City (2012)
I went to Panama with really low expectations, and I was blown away. It has a really impressive skyline, one that holds its own even if you forget that it is a poor latin country. It has great food of different cuisines. It has a ton to see, with the Panama Canal and the rainforest both falling into its sights. Other than Calgary (which I talked about in the last list) I don’t know if any trip I’ve gone on has been such a surprise as Panama, the Caribbean’s only truly modern city.
39.) Phnom Penh (2013)
I lied when I said that Da Lat was the biggest surprise of my Round the Worldtrip. Phnom Penh was. I wasn't expecting too much from Canbodia's capital, but the mix of history, good and bad, food, nightlife and surprising urbanity made Phnom Penh a real highlight for me. I really loved Cambodian food, and it was at its best in Phnom Penh, a perfect mix of Malay and Thai cuisine. Phnom Penh itself embraced its own history, not shying away from the terrible acts of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, maintaining multiple areas in the city to pay tribute to those who died. The rest of the city pays tribute to the rich culture of Cambodia that preceded the destruction, with large pagodas in beautiful parks and nice museums. Phnom Penh also has a nice riverfront area that is really, really lively at night. Add into all of this that the currency of choice in the Dollar, and you get a really nice, underrated city.
38.) Luang Prabang (2019)
There may be no better small three road town than Luang Prabang, a well manicured slice of Laotian heaven deep on the banks of the Mekong. The place is built for tourists, but expertly combines Western modernity in their restaurants and bars, and Eastern serenity. The amount of temples within this small town is truly incredible, all quite well adorned and decorated. The Laotian cuisine is always a hit. Much like another town on the list in El Calafate, its main street is so full of life. From what I know, unless you want to get really down and dirty, this is as good as Laos gets.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, my initial ranking of Goa was a little ridiculous. It was built off of an admittedly awesome trip to Goa in 2011, but that was a perfect storm. We were staying in the best part of Goa for a first timer who loves food on beaches at 2 AM. I was fresh off of an alcohol cleanse (which of course came after the opposite of an alcohol cleanse), and was greeted with $0.50 beer. Goa still has all those things, but I quickly realized upon my second visit that the area of Goa you stay in makes a huge difference. Stay too far South and you get isolated beaches, which I am sure are nice to some, but they don't have the same nightlife and food options littering the beach. Instead, they have litter littering the beach. Stay in the right part of Goa and it is amazing, the wrong part and it is merely OK. Still, it is unlike anything else in India, and for that it will always be in my part.
If you really want to stretch the 90 minute rule, Amman includes all things from the amazing ruins of Jerash, to the edge of the Dead Sea. Between those things, you have a fantastic city, one of the more modern in the Arab world. It has one of the nicer market areas, a beautiful little stretch with a Roman Amphiteater behind a large, open square, to some great food. Amman is a large city, but surprisingly easy to get around, and is the one place within Jordan's limits that modernity reign.
About Me
- dmstorm22
- I am a man who will go by the moniker dmstorm22, or StormyD, but not really StormyD. I'll talk about sports, mainly football, sometimes TV, sometimes other random things, sometimes even bring out some lists (a lot, lot, lot of lists). Enjoy.